
Sunday, 28 April 2013

My highly sensitive child is good for my ego- I think...

There are definite funny sides to being blessed with a highly sensitive child :)
These things can really get in the way of a good time!

Case in point; Monkey and Smiley have been away for the past week staying with my in-laws because, you know, sometimes things happen and a girl needs a break! Luckily for me, the children are blessed with grandparents who have been practically begging me to let them visit. After much contemplation, I eventually agreed to this arrangement. Which of course is code for "I had their bags packed and the car running ready for the five hour trip before I could put the phone back on the hook".
 From what I can gather the boys had an entire week of blissful spoiling and adventure with their every whim being taken care of. "Oh so you want a new Bionical? Let's go buy one". "Ice-cream for breakfast? Not a problem". "Another (insert crap, plastic toy, fad collectible here) is yours if you want it". You get the picture.
In fact the boys wanted to stay an extra day which helped make up for the guilt I was feeling about not feeling guilty re: not having them around. 
Last night was the happy reunion with lots of kisses and cuddles and sharing of stories. I realized I had missed my boys terribly after all- perhaps next time (if the in-laws ever recover) a few days away rather than a whole week would be better.
This morning Monkey looked at me seriously and confided that he missed me more than he thought he would. Awww.... my heart melted and I gave him a big, squeezy cuddle, even though my hands were still covered in dish-washing suds. What a sweet-heart and how lovely he was showing his appreciation of me. "What was the best thing about coming home?" I fished. "Well", he considered, "That would be not having to worry about stepping in Grandma's dog's water bowl. I did that a lot- it was yucky". "Also", he continued, "Perhaps it would be better if you dried the bubbles off your hands before touching me next time- that feels yucky too".
Well, I'm glad he views home as a sanctuary, free from the worries of life- I think.....

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel guilty about breaks aways, sometimes as you discovered, breaks away revive our appreciation for the little people in our lives.
    So does cuddles and looking at them while they are asleep. :)


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