
Sunday, 5 May 2013

Why blog?

Ever wondered why you blog? As a brand new blogger, without any actual readers (except for my sister bless her cotton socks) I find myself questioning;

1. What is my blog actually "about"? (This uncertainty has led to a few name changes already!)
2. What do I want to achieve with blogging?- (writing skill?, blog friendships?, world domination? )
3. Do I want to connect with other people or keep things private? ( and how would I get anyone to read it anyway?)

After some thought, I have decided I really only have one goal for blogging at the moment;

To be writing on a regular basis.

I also have a "non goal" goal of;

Being open to possibility.  

Sounds too simple doesn't it? Well perhaps for most people it is, but I know myself. I have a habit of beginning tasks with incredible enthusiasm, energy and even obsession, only to "burn out" within a short space of time, task never to be carried out again. I am not keen on this pattern. Unfinished business lacks satisfaction.

So I will write and I will write at least once or twice a week. I hope this process will help me find my "voice" as a writer, will help me develop a "direction" for my blog and will improve my blogging and writing skills.

All the other bloggy "stuff"
can wait for the moment :).

1 comment:

  1. I think for the new blogger, writing and crafting interesting content and finding your voice are the only satisfaction guaranteed reasons to blog.
    Looking for page views that aren't spam and comments that come from a stranger are too prone to disappointing outcomes.
    Keep blogging for writings' sake. I will keep reading for entertainments sake :)


I appreciate your thoughtful comments.